
Your Fall HVAC Maintenance Checklist

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Your Fall HVAC Maintenance Checklist

Horizontal photo of vacuum cleaning inside heater floor vent with Red Oak Floors in background

As the end of summer approaches, your mind will undoubtedly begin to become preoccupied with thoughts of warm fireplaces, holiday gatherings and football-filled weekends. One thing that they’re likely not to be focused on the status of your home’s HVAC system. Yet once the temperatures start to cool, you’ll be counting on your system’s ability to keep you and your family warm. Will it be able to answer the call, without causing your utility bills to skyrocket?

Small Checks Today Help Avoid Big Problems Tomorrow

Ensuring that it will be is not all that difficult, provided you show your system the TLC that it needs. It’s easy to forget to follow an annual maintenance schedule, particularly if your HVAC system hasn’t given any indications that it may be malfunctioning. However, remember that staying up on preventative maintenance is preferable to having to deal with major heating issues in the dead of winter.

Thus, as you enter into fall, take the time to perform these relatively quick and easy tasks:

Test Your Thermostat

Reserve a weekend to make sure run a quick thermostat test. On Saturday morning, turn on the heat. The next day, do the same with the air conditioning. If it takes too long for either system to reach your desired temperature, you’ll want to have the thermostat checked.

Change Your Filters

If you’re not already in the already in the habit of changing your filters regularly, now is the time to start. Dust and other particles can lead to added strain on your system, which in turn raises your energy costs.

Clear Your Vents

Make sure that none of your vents have become blocked by furniture, boxes or beddings. It’s also a good idea to give your vents a thorough cleaning, and while your at, have your duct work cleaned as well.

If you’re like most homeowners, then you likely have a mental checklist of tasks that need to be done in order to prep your residence for the winter. Checking and maintaining your HVAC system should be included on that list. Plus, with the help of the team at Larsen Heating and Air, seeing to your system’s annual needs is virtually a breeze.